Dark Castle, at best, has 20 to 30 players
who rotate through characters and clans.
While the mud has plenty of areas to run, you're
lucky to find out about any but the most common because
few of the veterans are willing to help newbies.
There is an outward effort to make the mud newbie
friendly but it works till about lvl 12 and then
you're meat b/c, again, the veterans spend a good
bit of their efforts beating down anyone smaller.
The mud, unfortunately b/c it is so easy to psteal
and pkill, draws the sort that take great pleasure
in doing so. Nothing wrong with that except it can
get pretty old regening all the time or having your
equip stolen. Note: there are plenty of fake-sellers
and 'clan members' who don't abide by their own clan's
laws. This mud is truly every man for himself.
The mud is enjoyed by those who already have good
friends that are veterans. If you're looking at
coming here fresh, I'd advise heavily against it.
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