The following review is from the viewpoint of a player, the following is not an opinion held by Mudconnector or its affiliates -
The Realm of Magic has become the worst game in the world. At one point, my friends played it, and so I took it up. Then, after the immortals and administration went "dictator", everyone started leaving. Implementations dividing the players into super powerful (the older players) and weak (new players) have arisen. Old players have all the spells and skills, which new players are unable to achieve. If you want to kill the same thing ten times over, changing a word from pound to slash and vice versa, then this is the game for you. Otherwise, it gets boring fast.
It is entirely anti-newbie. I was in an order dedicated to assisting newbies that was entirely inactive. 3 players contributed to our efforts. The average ammount of players online is nowhere near what it shown. 4 is more accurate. A post on a board within the game saying that somebody was the only one online was deleted. Commands which show the maximum players since reboot was also removed. Curious? The plot thickens.
I played this game until they bent the rules. The Gods (who were the only ones with access to my equipment) removed it all, and then played stupid. In mortal law, I was a judge, with no power. Behind the strings, immortals controlled everything. Anything that goes against the immortals is deleted. Players who speak out are placed in "Time Out", or "Hell". Cussing is permitted, only if you are on good terms with the "Implementor" or his wife.
Implementations focus on MSP and MXP which little to none of the playerbase uses. New lands, and a new class is scheduled to come out soon (but trust me, it will be so buggy you won't want it for a year). Immortals are mostly inactive, and prefer torturing the mortals with increased prices for potions, and creating new lags which are later removed due to their hatred by the people.
On a side note, if you should choose to play this game, assume the identity of a German, as there are special favors given to those of this ancestory. Descrimination will find you, if you are from any other nation (and you will be eventually asked by other players).
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