Hmm... It is quite fascinating. I have been through multiple Muds. It
seems Darkstone accelerates far more in roleplaying than in any other
Mud. I recommend Darkstone for all those out there who seek total RPG.
I understand as roleplaying to be the reason why these Muds exist. All
players seek both enemies and allies.Some may even want to be outcasts
and feared by all. But also you don’t want it to be too complicated.
Players want to be superior and Rage into war against other clans.
Players here can devote themselves to Immortals and apply their
actions to the immortals alignment.
Some Mud Players just want to play the game and not get too involved.
Well, we have specific Clans for all types of players. If you are
willing to go through the training and experience yourself in the arts
of all classes then you will be renown for your deeds and actions.
In the beginning players will help you develop your character as he
or she levels. This will enable you to level much quicker so that you
may soon take place in the finest realm out there. Darkstone
Accomplishes all of this and much much more.
I encourage all the new mudders to come take part of this enthralling
experience. Also i understand that all you experienced mudders have
already picked out your favorite Mud. Well, unless you have tried
darkstone and seen its improvements you may just be in the WRONG Mud.
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