I've been playing this mud on and off for about six years at this point. Hands down, Legend has one of the best code bases and combat systems of any mud out there. Combat is descriptive yet fast paced, really a great system.
Legend is impossibly difficult for new players to establish themselves in, however. You are penalized xp for grouping to kill things. Solo experience grinding is slow and repetitive. The magic system (based on learning words to form spells) is overly complicated and extremely difficult to pick up on the fly.
The existing playerbase is dwindling to almost nothing, and those that remain are for the most part cynical and unfriendly towards new players.
There is virtually no end game for characters achieving max level. The pkill system is horribly imbalanced, with one main archtype of character dominating all others (a problem that the immortal staff seems unable to deal with).
The immortal staff as a whole are generally very helpful, yet a few (and coincidentally higher ranking) imms are extremely aggressive, selfcentered, and generally unpleasant to be around or communicate with.
The bottom line is, LegendMUD is an incredibly well written mud, with a lot of unique and awesome features. The shortfalls of the game overshadow all of it's bright spots, though. That is, new players are faced with a cynical playerbase, an overly difficult grind to higher levels, no activities or end game once achieving those levels, self-centered and aggressive immortals, and a broken and unused player kill system. My advice is to stay away.
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