If there is any one constant to Ancient Anguish, it is passion. Most surviving text games are either churned out by paid coders or painstakingly toiled on by a group of overly-dedicated people who have been around for as long as they can remember. This is certainly an example of the latter. To many of us who play Ancient Anguish, it is home. A home that we fight for and fight over just like anything truly loved.
As a new player, Ancient Anguish can be almost daunting in its vast and immersive expanse. Though Ancient Anguish is not a strict roleplaying mud by any means, tight Balance, World, and QC standards set it apart from any other. While a few of the oldest areas still exist, great care can be seen from the moment players step from the Ancient Inn into the world of Anguish. All Immortals are players who proved their knowledge of the world of Anguish before helping to extend its story.
Anguish is not a world based on a myriad of races and classes, but rather a handful of classics given robust development. The game-play is geared toward intricacies and depth rather than simple pellet rewards. While certainly one can run through in the hack-and-slash style, and many do, it is difficult even then to miss the vast variety of strategies and opportunities.
For even the most thorough explorers, it is virtually impossible to do everything available. With an enormous number of rooms and rich description, even after years of gameplay there is always something new to discover.
I am passionate about Ancient Anguish. I invite you to find the same passion.
- Dracul
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