Upon logging on you'll be greeted with possibly,
the worst engine for a mud, ever. Awkward commands
won't help new users at all. Along with horrible Ansi
coding, but the horror is just beginning. You'll also be
pestered constantly by spam. Tons of spam. Spam to vote on
items players make. Spam to read things. Spam and more Spam.
Ask a player for help, and you'll likely be treated rudely by
one of the regulars.
The features sound nice, until you discover how difficult
getting anything in this game done really becomes. The very
words of a seasoned player "We don't care about newbies.
Leave". With such trashy attitudes, it's no wonder this is
the first review for this mud. I am betting almost everyone
who joins, is treated the same way. I, myself, witnessed
three other new players quit within a day. I hung around for
awhile to get a feel for the place. I wasted my time on a mud not
worth it.
Avoid this garbage mud at all costs.
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