Well, Hexahedron is incredible. Players are nice. Immortals are even
nicer and fair (rare enough). It's really a good friend team. There
are always code enhancements, new stuffs added, they are coding right
now making a 'hero ranking' system, I can't wait to see it. Oh, and
the 'mobarena' and 'Grand Arena' are sooo great, I never saw such
things before on a mud. It's really a place where I have fun, a lot
of loony players too ;) Rp is nice, they are starting some RP stories
now, I hope it'll work well. I played a ton of mud for the last 8
years, I played the 'known muds' on the TMC toplisting...none is good
as Hexahedron. You should try it...be ready....it's great.
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