There are plenty of reviews about the Cowboy Bebop mud. Many of them I find reasonably fair of the mud. The one thing I see too often is the fact that people have a problem with the stat train system and the combat system. This is the reason why I am writing this review.
Cowboy Bebop is a tremendous mud. The immortals are good to deal with, regularly on and pleasant people over all. The amount of time and energy spent on this game is clearly exceptional. Something new is coming out weekly, if not daily, on one aspect of the mud or the other. The overall playerbase, the regulars so to speak, are all really excellent people with good hearts and an intent to make the game better by their involvement. Basically, what I am saying is that the atmosphere is very good on Bebop.
Now on to the concerns about the stat train system and the combat system. Let me begin by explaining that these systems add a level of realism that you just don't find anywhere else. Let me explain the stat train system first. Take a real person for example. Let's say you spend a month running, riding your bike, studying, lifting weights and practicing self-defense. Well let's say that the following month you just sit around and mud 24/7 (not that there is anything wrong with that!). What's going to happen to all that hard work you did the prev2ious month? More than likely you are going to lose a little of your conditioning, you are not going to be as strong as you were and you won't be able to study as well as you did when you were doing it regularly. Bang! There you have the concept behind the stat train system.
In the mud you go to the gym and lift some weights for a little while. Some time later you suddenly start to feel like you could use some more strength training because you haven't been using your strength, you've been working on developing your makerifle skill. Uh oh! So while you have been keeping your int and wis high by using it, you are losing str because you haven't been doing anything that has required it. No big deal then, all you do is head on over to the gym, lift some weights and you don't have to worry about it for a while now.
This is an exceptional concept put into this mud. The stat train system adds a reality that just is non-existent on many other muds. There is simply no reason to complain about this. Everyone is required to participate in this, and you do so that way if you come into a conflict with someone who has been keeping up with their training then you can have an even fight. One of the nicest things about training stats is that it occasionally levels the playing field. You have an experienced player who just hasn't been keeping up their stats, they have a bounty, you're newer and so you just don't have the cool equipment that they do, and for some reason or another you are able to take them out because they have been neglecting their training! It's great!
Okay, on to combat. Again, the Bebop system adds a level of reality. No, there isn't an auto kill or auto attack command. Why would you want it? The opportunity to make variations on your attack is very important and Bebop allows that to happen. I believe it was the comment written by Hayden that described a number of the attacks. This variation allows you to make sure that your best foot (or fist) is put forward in a combat situation. Instead of this mindless auto kill stuff that I have seen around, Bebop requires you to be proactive if you attack or are attacked. Again, there is a level of realism in this that you just don't find elsewhere.
Bebop is an excellent place to have a good time. There is ample to do, plenty of people to meet, and fun stuff to kill. Small fry, keep your head up. Bounty hunters, keep your noses to the ground. Junkies... Keep those eyes open!
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