Haven't visited Batmud in a while? Perhaps if you haven't, then you remember it to be slightly highbie oriented, that being the one major drawback to Batmud. Well, to that i say the mud has changed!
Believe it or not, the once highbie-advantaged mud has made some critical improvements, the most important of which is that the newbie channel, once a newbie channel in name only, now has wizard approved newbie helpers to answer your every question. There are no stupid questions in the world of batmud so a newbie can feel safe asking them on said channel. These helpful players are clearly designated as helpers in this format: (Nips the Helper [newbie]: the answer to your question is bla bla bla.
Apart from this, Batmud recently reverted to its old reincarnation system (reincarnation is the process by which a player changes race, background, guild, etc.). In this system, even the most experienced of players is again brought to the humbling level of newbie, as reinc. safe experience is slowly earned back. Of course a highbie might choose to gain all experience back instantly (Instant Reincarnation), but this results in HEAVY taxes on Total Experience amount, and it is for the most part avoided with gusto!
Heard Enough? Ready to go get lost in the world of Batmud? Too bad. One more important point. The gracious coders (wizards, archwizards) have introduced some brand-spanking new newbie oriented areas located very close to the begginers start location. This means that when a newbie logs on to the game after reboot (when he/she is automatically transported back to his starting location, among other things like quest resets and nonreseting monster repops) he/she is mere rooms away from newbie advantageous areas complete with small to mid-size monsters, and even quests to tease your brain if you feel inclined to stand apace to mere hack-and-slash gaming.
Batmud, like many muds, takes patience and a willingness to grasp at concepts unlike any other in the gaming industry. This innate desire for complexity is what drives us mudders to engage in mudding. If complexity is what you crave, then when you log onto batmud with your choice of character, race, background, allignment, equipment, skills, spells, player city, and even friends, you are interacting with one of the best free, not-for-profit muds available. The rewards can be great, the failures can be crushing, but no matter what the rollercoster ride has in store for you, i promise you this:
If you actively cultivate a relationship with batmud, it might possibly stay with you forever. So I ask you: what more are you looking for?
---------------------------------Nips Nightcrawler----------- ---------------------------------Batmudder since 1998--------
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