Anime Planet is the only MUD i've really played consistently for the
past 3 years. While others have gone away and some have changed to
become not so fun places to be, AP has always been a fun loving place
with tons of stuff to do, and now its getting even better, with
classes and races getting balanced it will be even more fun to mess
around on.
Areas still need some work, but the Immortals are working thier arses
off to bring us the best areas possible.
PK isn't big at the moment, but that's ok i never cared for it anyway
hehehe. Ok, ok some people do and it will get back to being a part of
AP sooner or later *hoping for the later myself* Not only are the
Immortals great people but so are alot of our normal mortals, some
will go outta their way to help newbies and non newbies, some won't,
but sometimes you gotta expect that.
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