Well, what can be said about CB:SC that hasn't already been said? For starters, it's a refreshing theme from the prev2alent Star Wars-Empire vs. Republic/Sith vs. Jedi themes found on most SWRs. What you'll find in Bebop is a creative, albeit fledgling interpetation of the code base.
The CB:SC Universe is concurent with the anime series. Well from the episodes I've seen, including features such as hyper gate space transit, drug production (including the infamous flame bait, Bloodyeye), Venus Sickness, ISSP and Syndicate clans, bounty hunting, ballistic projectile and melee based weapons (no blasters and lightsabers here) and many more nods to the series that I'm sure fans will enjoy.
But you don't have to be a fan of the show to enjoy playing here, what makes this mud truly unique are the overhauled code revisions that have taken place in this mud's creation. The helpfiles for the changes incurred to the original SWR code currently span 11 separate helpfiles, so there is no question over whether the imms are active in the mud's development.
Some of the more notable changes are the ones involving combat code; no longer requiring a 'kill' command, one must focus on an opponent, and 'attack' each individual round, rather than passive autocombat. At first it may seem a burden, but it adds a new dimension to player combat, in which a slowly executed command can make the difference between the victory of a novice and a master.
While on the subject of the many, many code revisions, it is important to bring up the oft mentioned stat training code that has been the clarion call for many veterans in the past few weeks. While it is true, that if you wish to maintain perfect scores in all stats, you will be required to spend a great deal of game time training, this is in an effort to curb the game mentality of veterans purchasing or training maxed out stats in all fields without a hint of upkeep to their abilities. The new code will have you either invest hours of time in upkeep for all stats, or to focus only on stats that would be important for your individual character (Strength for a bounty hunter, Intelligence for a Craftsmen, etc). Training is not the only way in which stats can receive upkeep or improvement either. Fighting other people or mobs can upkeep your strength, and in some reports, even increase it if you haven't maxed it yet. Taking hits in combat can send upkeep to your Constitution score, making items, piloting ships, and generally learning anything from a new skill will give you the upkeep for Intelligence. With that said, the system can be difficult to adjust to, but by no means impossible. It adds an element of realism unparelleled in other mud stat systems.
But the more positive things you will find at CB:SC are interesting players, fun and friendly imms, engaging RP, palm sweating PK. Whatever your interest, chances are that CB:SC can cater to it.
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