Although it took a bit of time and patience to make the transition
from pure-pk MUDs to a Diku, I have had many great experiences and
learned much while playing Emperia. When I was only a low-level
newbie, I found it interesting that even the highest-level players
were willing to help the new players. Thanks to them, I was able to
make the transition quite easily. Even to this day, any time
a new player or low-level player logs on, they still always ask, “Do
you need anything?” or some variation of that.
Also, the staff and immortals here are very friendly and at least one
of them is on at all times. The tribe/clan system on Emperia seems
to be one of the only ones that actually works, and Emperia doesn’t
have much down-time (in fact, none so far for as long as I’ve been
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