This has to be one of the most original and well thought out muds on the internet. They have paid so much attention to detail and variety. It is far from the standard mud where you run around areas typing 'k mobname' over and over until you level.
OK, first of all, you don't just choose your job, you can join assorted guilds that are scattered throughout the land, and different requirements are needed to be filled before you can join. And you can join multiple ones at a time. You don't just learn skills as you level. You learn them from NPCs and can only learn them if you are also able to the prerequisite skills too.
Also, you don't just kill mobs and sacrifice them. You can dissect them to learn more about the anatomy of that particular animal so you can fight better against them in the future. You might skin them and sell their pelts or butcher them for food. Perhaps even make items out of their bones. So much to do.
The roleplay potential is very high here too. There are 30 races to choose from, along with many languages to learn. You don't see the person's name when you meet them, only a couple details about them. You have to memorize their name when they tell you. The cool thing about this is that you can lie about your name to people, and they'll remember that name (you have to type in the name you want to remember for that person).
OK, this mud has so much going for it! But it is not without its faults. One of the biggest faults is that the mud is far from Newbie Friendly. They just drop you in naked, and say 'go.' The other one being that the playerbase is really, really small. This could be changed by getting rid of two things. 1) When you first play, you can only play one of four races. You have to meet certain requirements before you're able to make a character out of one of the other races. THe defense is that this is for newbies to get accustomed to the mud, but what then again, if you don't play one of those 4 original races, you have to spend your first hours playing that while you learn the mud, then you have to start over again. It'd be more logical to let people get accustomed to the mud with a Race they want to play.
2) You are required to write a long character history. I like roleplaying a lot, but this just seemed to be a huge chore. The defense of this one is that when you write the history, you can put in the clothes you start out with. Only problem is that it takes forever for the Immortals to get you the starting equipment,so to pass the time you've either got to sit and wait naked for the imms to clothe you, or just clothe yourself, and then you don't really need the starting out clothes... Which defeats the purpose.
It would attract a lot more new players to get rid of the race limit, not require a historical novel about your character, and then make the beginning of the mud a lot more newbie friendly.
So in conclusion, this is a breathtaking mud, but it's such a huge chore to get started, most people will never get to see that... So the playerbase remains tiny.
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