The mud allows for a wide variety of options. You can pursue pk, rp, hack'n'slash, relaxation, whatever. What is great about this variety is that, it's all balanced as - You earn what you get. If you desire to pk, then you earn your stats, you earn your eq, and you are worth of pk. If you choose to rp, you earn the respect of the people, and you earn the stature you deserve.
This sense of earning does not mean no help is offered. Aid for new people is exceedingly abundant. However, once you have established a reputation for yourself and you are no longer that new guy, the aid is less abundant (though still existant) and one must rely on friends they have made in the process.
Another excellent aspect of the mud is the questing. The immortals provide a large variety of quests. There are three different quest point systems:
Immquest points Quest points Trash points
Each of the different points allow for different equipment or bonuses. The regular quest points are similar to what most RoM mudders are familiar with, the other two systems are fairly unique.
Also the immortals provide a system of tickets. These tickets allow immortal gifts basically. They range from mystery prizes to double exp turned on to a full almost anything.
Last but not least is the mystery bags. More rare than most of the other things the immortals do, occasionally mystery bags are sold. These bags hold anything at random, ranging from immortal quest eq to quest points.
To mention everything unique to this mud would take many pages, here I have listed a brief few. The place is definately worth trying out. If you do, you might eventually call the place 'home.'
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