Legend of the Nobles, or LotN, is the mud I call home. With dedicated administration and an incredible coder, LotN runs quite smoothly. With a new version having just started this weekend, there are many changes.
As well as original races, there are many interesting classes to choose from. Be the mighty fighter, or the sly rogue. Be the Paladin, and fight for your religion. Be a Conjurer, and dabble in demon summoning and work with the undead. Be a bard, and play your meddlies to influence and inspire others. Be a shape-shifting druid, attuned to nature. Be a mage with the power to enchant armor and weapons. Or be a priest, where you don't fight and you gain experience through healing others and drawing powerful glyphs.
This mud has a pleasant balance between roleplaying and player killing. You cannot kill a player without a strong IC reason, and this rule is heavily enforced. With the guild, religion, and noble systems, there is plenty of opportunity for intrigue. One of the most notable changes this version is the inclusion of permdeath. While creating, you can choose permdeath (turned into a ghost if PK'd), hardcore permdeath (turned into a ghost if killed by anything), or you can choose not to play permdeath, with the classic reincarnation at the temple scenario. The permdeath option was included because too many guildleaders and high ranking nobles were being player killed, and not deleting. This will ensure a more realistic atmosphere. Those who do not play permdeath cannot achieve the highest ranks.
I recommend anyone who reads to this to join us. All of our long-time players are always willing to help a new face in any way we can. And right now, with the new version, everyone will start off on even footing, level-wise. So please, come join us.
Visit http://lotn.betterbox.net for more information.
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