Adventures Unlimited is extremely newbie friendly and is fun for both
newbies and the players of the highest levels in the game. It offers
wide selections in both races and classes and many skills you can
There is a broad variety of weapons and armor available and with so
many pieces of equipment out there, no one will be quite like you.
To personalize it further, you can create deep descriptions of
yourself to make the MUD more enjoyable. The players who play there
are great people and always help.
Adventures Unlimited is very deep and has many rooms and areas.
There is a great help system in use there that covers practically
every feature of the game. It can help you in finding where to hunt
at your level, different spells, skills, clans, etc...
There are simply too many good things to say about AU and I cannot
fit them all here. If you should come, hope you do, you will be
immediately greeted by many of the players on and offered aid in
every way.
It is extremely easy to get hooked on and won't leave you with any
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