Cowboy Bebop: Space Cowboy is simply the best SWR (Star Wars Reality)
mud out there. Before this mud I couldn't tolerate any SWR mud for
more than 5 minutes, literally. The lame things in SWR are fixed. Not
to mention, the bad parts of SWR muds are fixed, like Gundams which
seem to be in every one.
Space Cowboy is focused alot on bounty hunting and RP elements, but
it doesn't drown out people who just enjoy fighting. This is a nice
balance, which is rare for most muds. There are regular global quests
that occur over the mud, on top of the normal ones present.
Player input is always considered. Area production happens at a
regular rate, and has a good flow.
Immortals are kept active or fired, which keeps the Imm Staff fresh
and helpful. No lazy or jerk Imms here, Space Cowboy prides
themself on having a helpful and functioning Imm staff.
Hopefully you will stop on by, we try and take what is the best of
muding and apply it to Space Cowboy.
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