Legend of the Nobles has a quailty to it which could not be described in justice. The kind of quailty you'd understand if you've played a mud for the better part of your adult life, and it just fits like a glove. Only with lotn this quailty is present within moments of logging on, everything just feels right.
That being said, there are also things about lotn that need to be said. A prev2ious review mentioned that most of the pkillers had been 'chased' off. This can't be more true. For as long as i've played lotn i've been a 'good guy' always trying to get the pkillers. Back then I just didn't know how to pkill (pkilling can't be taught, it's trial and error.) Well, now I do know how to pkill, but I look around for a 'big bad pkiller' and there are none. I never noticed it while is was happening but one by one they al got chased off. This is a plea, come back! I'm going to have to start pkilling soon enough.
I make it a point to always help when a newbie asks, the same can be said about the rest of the mud.
The imms are nice enough, the work hard enough but I don't see really what they've been working on. For a long time now they've been saying all work is going towards the next version. So I guess i'll be able to comment more when I actually see the next version, till then if you need immly help you'll get it.
Rp as stated in many other reviews is on really a self serve basis, start rp'ing and someone will join in. If you see someone else rp'ing jump in and thats about it. Although there is a new movement being pushed to write in background stories for yourself, also a new RP imm has really started shaking things up. Mad props to you Cyn.
I'd like to think of lotn as the little mud who could. It just feels right. With a larger more diversified pbase lotn would be much more enjoyable.
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