Well, as the power was down on the Mud I normally play, I went to check out one that had been recommended by a player of mine. I am an Imm on one and will be an Owner of another one coming out shortly.
However, after adjusting to the new mud and getting a set of eq for my Invoker, I was taken away from my group and transported to a room with no exits where I was demanded to change my name by one of the immortals there. It was not profane or anything, as I was not there to cause problems, merely to have fun. So I am stuck in that room, with the Renaming Bouncer, with no avenue of escape until they approve of my new name.
My name was Christophe, as I have used on countless other Muds. Nothing dramatic, as it is based on historical, 13th century Spainish spellings, meaning Christ-bringer. However the staff, after dismissing my explaination, could only say, 'It is obviously cutting it too close to Christopher.' No comment on my explanation, or reasoning for the decree. This is something I do not tolerate on my Mud, and will not choose to play in myself.
So much for bringing a sense of the past, in a game BASED in the past! Imagine that. Maybe that's just my history degree talking though. Anyway, I would have to not recommend this Mud to potential players. It was terribly difficult to get around in, unless you know people to level you going in, and many of the features that I am accustomed to, such as color, maps on the screen, character customization and even basic command structures are lacking.
I would give it a reluctant half-star on a five star scale.
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