LegendMUD is a mud unlike any other. I have played many muds and have fought many beastly fidos and have traveled far and wide the vast planes of creativity. And to be fair, many muds have met my expectations on originality. But when I think of a mud I think of LegendMUD.
It is COMPLETELY original and with an original theme to fit it large and growing world. What makes LegendMUD or Legend, as we call it, so unique is that instead of deriving from an 'AD&D' world of dragons and centaurs or bearded magicians and thinly-shaped rangers, we originate from the history of the world as it was told throughout the centuries. That is to say, LegendMUD is the legends and myths and more importantly, the history, of the real world.
Players are able to interact in three different eras: Ancient, Medieval, and Industrial. Each era represents a range of years and every area in that specific era represents a piece of history, legend or myths of that time.
The world is continually growing as you can imagine. There are countless legends and myths and pieces of history yet to be told in the game. And because of this our playerbase is constantly changing. Unlike many muds or mushes we have a strong, friendly playerbase that is growing large as the mud expands. But everyone is welcome for there is something for everyone: Pkill, RP events, historic quests and mobiles, items galore, player interaction that involve player creativity, and housing--YES! LegendMUD allows player housing. Furniture? YOU BET! Not only can you create your own house, but if you choose not to join the guilds already established--yeah, the Guild of Paladins or Warriors' Guilds... get a band of players together and create your own! LegendMUD allows player housing and player guilds!
What are you waiting for?! Come explore Ancient Greece or serve Robin Hood's head on platter to Guy Gisborne! Climb Mount Kilamanjaro or form a guild of pirates who hold claim to the hide tides of the South Seas. All three eras of our history have been written and await your travels. So come! Relive our ancient history and live the legend through LegendMUD!
Straussy Milano, player since 1995
LegendMUD: legendmud.org:9999
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