Hexahedron was created out of the pieces of a previous world and pieces of worlds that where to stubborn to die. Shikon took the pieces and with the help of the gods that protected those pieces wove the world we now know.
"For it is only through the exploration of diversity and the use of the imagination can we make good choices and evolve into something greater." -- Shikon, the Creator
Hexahedron is a large and mostly original world. Our areas do boast a high fantasy setting, filled with Elves, Giants, Dragons though you may fine the occasional Cyborg and no telling what else.
Our remort system supports 3 remorts, where a player takes a new class and race. Class and race skills learned and earned in previous incarnations become available at an appropriate level. We have 15 races and 16 classes, 8 races and classes set aside for the final remort.
The arena system consist of a Grand Arena, Mob Arena and War arena. The Grand Arena runs every weekend allowing players to earn tokens, to buy special items with, as well as bragging rights. Our Mob Arena allows for player selection of difficulty, ranging from 1 to INSANE, where they can pit their prowess against randomly chosen mobiles. You may also test your skill against other players in our War Arena, where non-pk and pk players may compete with no fear for loss of experience or equipment. The War Arena supports several different forms of combat, free for all, team, clan team and duel style.
Hexhadrons quest system, having many forms of quest currencies, ranges from the standard quests given by a known questmaster to the general mob off the street. There are fetch/collect quests. Many long running, Immortal run, collection quests. An assortment of free ranging prize mobiles as well as area bosses willing to take down, or reward, the stalwart hero.
We offer a diversified token/ticket system that allows for the use of tokens and or tickets to do a wide range of things, spellups, double exp, weapon augmentation/customization, as well as the fabled mystery ticket. These are just naming a few.
Randomly generated equipment like those found in Diablo/D II, Nethac and Angband. A fully functioning clan system that allows for players to create and maintain/expand their own. A starvation system that makes the need for food and drink a must, as well as full ansi color. Come Play and ENJOY!
Mud Theme: Magic, Might, New Twists on old themes, unexplored realms of adventure